Our Services

Account Types

Financial Planning

The majority of our client relationships begin with the creation of a financial plan. Whether saving for a short-term goal or a lifetime of retirement income, it is important to have a plan and to assess your progress on the journey. In addition to establishing and tracking your investment objectives, we have found that the financial planning process is an excellent way to get to know each other as prospective advisor and client.

Retirement Planning & Income Management

Retirement is a major life change, and we have had the honor of working through the process with hundreds of clients over the years. In addition to the many personal changes retirement brings, investment strategy generally moves from the accumulation phase to distribution phase. We will help you design and manage a strategy to maximize your income, minimize taxes and maintain your lifestyle for a long and happy retirement.


Risk Management

Unanticipated risk is a reality of life, but with proper planning, it can be managed.  We help clients identify the most efficient and cost effective means of protecting themselves and their families, businesses, and properties from losses associated with unanticipated events.  We approach insurance from the perspective of what is in the best interests of our clients and are licensed to provide a wide range of insurance solutions including, but not limited to Life, Disability, Long Term Care, Property and Casualty, Event, Specialty, and Medicare Plans.  

Investment Management

We manage more than $450 Million on behalf of our individual and institutional clients. With 50 years of experience, we have seen every imaginable strategy come and go from favor. While we remain diligent in our search for the best investments available, we are continually led back to a core group of principals which seem consistently true. Stay broadly diversified, keep investment costs low, and be patient. As such, we design and manage diversified, low cost portfolios to help our clients achieve their long-term objectives.





Our Philosophy

The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination. 
- John H. Schaar.

  • We are optimistic about the future, but believe that careful planning and goal setting are essential to success. 
  • We believe that no one can accurately predict what the stock, bond, commodity, or real estate markets will do in the short-term.
  • We believe there are always risks in life and investments. Our goal is to reduce risk wherever possible, but some degree of risk will always be necessary to achieve your objectives.
  • We believe that long-term investment success requires discipline, diversification and patience.
  • We believe that the world is constantly changing and that it is our responsibility to stay well informed on behalf of the clients we advise.  Markets react daily to a confluence of events, making every situation new and different than the past, but knowledge of historic patterns and behavioral finance are valuable in making sense of current conditions and in making wise decisions for the future.
  • We believe in transparency of investments, fees, and services.

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Our Process

While each client brings a unique set of circumstances, our basic process is as follows:

  1. Establish a complete understanding of your objectives, goals and risk tolerance.
  2. Develop a financial plan and/or investment policy.
  3. Identify and select an appropriate investment vehicle or strategy.
  4. Allocate assets using our industry’s highest quality fundamental and technical research.
  5. Monitor and report investment performance.
  6. Adjust investment allocations as market conditions or investment objectives change.


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Our Team

Founding Partner, Portfolio Manager

Jason Edmonds is a Founding Partner of Edmonds Duncan Registered Investment Advisors. He is a 3rd generation Lawrence...

Founding Partner, Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist

Donald Duncan is a Founding Partner with Edmonds Duncan Registered Investment Advisors.Don is a Certified Financial...

Director of Risk Management & Insurance, Investment Advisor

Director of Risk Management & Insurance, Investment Advisor

As Director of Risk Management, Pat brings over 18 years of...

Associate Financial Advisor

Kevin joined the Edmonds Duncan team in June 2023. He spent the last eight years in Lawrence as the local director of...

Community Involvement